Welcome to Divorce, Healthy!

Divorce in the United States is something that is often viewed as negative. While a large majority of people associate it with ill feelings, chaos, and never-ending conflict, that doesn?t have to be the reality of divorce across America. It doesn?t have to be your reality, especially if you?re about to dive into this process.

Your Host.

Ashley-Nicole is dedicated to understanding her client?s needs and protecting their interests. As a child of divorce, she knows first hand the hardship and long-term effects of the traditional litigation model. She is committed to the Collaborative Divorce process outlined in the North Carolina General Statutes as a healthier alternative to litigation. Ashley-Nicole used the Collaborative Process in her own divorce, and she knows the success of the process first hand to preserve relationships and set the tone for a life of peace after divorce. She opened The Law Offices of Ashley-Nicole Russell, P.A. to help families navigate the emotional and legal aspects of separation and divorce in the Triangle and Eastern North Carolina.

The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) has just received one of, if not the highest honor: a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Advocates and professionals trained in this method of family law continuously and routinely speak about its benefits “” the way it promotes respect of all parties, its ability to maintain civility...
Cryptocurrency, Non-Fungible Tokens and Digital Assets are now common enough to frequent  divorce cases as assets to be divided, but still new enough that most people are unfamiliar with what it represents. Attorneys need to understand how these digital assets are purchased, how they are stored, and how they are maintained.   On this episode of...
Ashley-Nicole Russell, Esq  believes that mindfulness during divorce can make all the difference in how and what process is chosen and thus will affect the result. Her guest Eranda Jayawickreme applies his research in post-traumatic growth to illustrate divorce as a result and not a one-time action. As a psychologist and researcher, Eranda uses his...
For decades, the family court system has done a poor job of showing children how to handle conflict and strife. In North Carolina, three women have set out to be generational chain breakers, modeling positive and effective communication through conflict resolution.  On this episode of Divorce, Healthy!, host Ashley-Nicole Russell speaks with collaborative law attorneys...
In this season of the Divorce, Healthy! podcast, we’re diving deep into the collaborative process. From mediation, to co-parenting, to top-notch resources for demystifying collaborative practice, this season is going to cover all corners of collaboration to help navigate divorce.  Divorce can be a nightmare for all parties involved. That’s why Lori Gephart, President of...
The expense of divorce can be quite a burden, especially with today’s rising costs forcing us all to do more with less. Erin Levine, founder of Hello Divorce, is seeking to change that narrative. An experienced divorce attorney herself, Erin wanted to find a way to reduce the most expensive part of the divorce process...
Divorce, Healthy! was started to help people find a way to get through divorce in non-destructive ways. Ashley-Nicole Russell’s passion has inspired her personal mission statement: to change how divorce is handled in America. Ashley-Nicole launched the Divorce, Healthy! podcast with a monologue. In today’s episode, she shares a new reflection of her journey thus...
Casey Sowers followed 14 years of military service with a long career as a project manager in the private sector. During this time, he found himself fighting for equal shared custody of one of his daughters. Prior to this, it had never occurred to Casey to look into the custody industry, or to consider the...
Dating can be daunting. Some people go for the same type of partners time and again, ignoring red flags and gravitating toward drama. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be that way.  On this episode of Divorce, Healthy!, dating coach Bela Gandhi discusses her successful career in matchmaking. Although it...
Divorce lawyers traditionally advised their clients to fight for sole custody of children, especially when their client was the mother. It’s time to put that tradition behind us. On this episode of Divorce, Healthy!, National Parents Organization (NPO) board members Matt Hale and Don Hubin, as well as family lawyer and children’s book author Kelly...
Society tells women that motherhood should be their primary source of fulfillment. This same pressure, however, is not put on men. Society pressures moms to live out this kid-focused lifestyle, deeming them lousy or lazy if they do not. Meanwhile, dads are simply let off the hook. In the same vein, women are advised to...
Divorce can feel like an isolating and lonely experience. Few people who go through it realize that it doesn’t have to be that way and that it can be an empowering process and a way to start a new more intentional life. Clinical psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Cohen and Attorney Susan Guthrie join the podcast to...
When Wendy Sterling’s 16-year marriage was coming to an end, she struggled to wrap her mind around it. She had lost herself in her marriage. She had lost her voice, her independence, and her identity. Not only was the life she had planned falling apart, but so was the image of herself that she had...
Many people believe divorce will inevitably be messy and hostile before even starting the process. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. According to Carl Roberts “” the Founder and CEO of SplitSmart, a website that helps couples organize finances for divorce “” transparency and organization are essential for preventing an emotionally distraught and...
People are shocked when they find out Karen Millon still regularly spends time with her ex-husband “” even with her new husband. It just doesn’t quite fit the usual expectations of divorce, as we so often imagine animosity between former partners. Somehow, Karen managed to come out the other side with a healthy outlook on...