The Change in our Culture. TV said so…
The way we divorce and deal with divorce is changing. As I watched a custody battle portal in the Grey’s Anatomy season 12 finale, I realized so clearly exactly how much. In Season 12 (for those of you non-Grey’s) two of the 6-star couples fight over custody. In both of those relationships, the show changes the script from “You can’t handle the truth” to conscious thought and settlement between the couples. SETTLEMENT is the trend. Being AWARE of how your child is affected is the trend. COMPROMISE is the trend. And finally, SELF-AWARENESS is the trend. Why, because our society has grown up. We do not need to have a custody battle and temper tantrums over late drop-off’s and changing weekends. We are a smart and successful population of caring parents that understand their children’s needs and long term effects of our own behavior.
Our offices are here to facilitate that life for you and help you generate positive movement to the life you want and deserve.