There are harrowing statistics that reflect the current culture of divorce in America and its negative effects on the population. For perspective, 87% of children involved in school shootings come from child custody battles. In a marriage where both spouses are products of divorce, their chances of the marriage ending in divorce are 200% greater than the general population. Divorce culture is toxic and chaotic and has profound consequences on the children involved—consequences that are likely to impact them for the rest of their lives.
In this episode of Divorce, Healthy! WNCT news anchor and TV personality Aaron Deane joins attorney and author Ashley-Nicole Russell, of ANR Law to discuss his experiences as a child of divorce, offering a millennial’s perspective. Aaron highlights the effect of a custody ruling that afforded one parent primary custody of the children. Such court designations drive secondary parents to internalize a diminished sense of family responsibility– leading to increased rates of absentee parents.
Aaron also shares how people of his generation view relationships and marriage, and how the divorce culture has heavily influenced these perspectives. Many choose to avoid marriage altogether, with weddings and children viewed not only as risky, but as massive financial and emotional investments. An unspoken pressure also exists to make marriages work because turning to the court system for dissolution and resolution is traumatic and expensive. After getting a front row seat to the catastrophic divorce culture of the last generation, who can blame them?
For Aaron and Ashley-Nicole, it’s important to have a complete understanding of yourself so you can make the right decision – even if that means ending your marriage. And, although the situation isn’t ideal, you can employ strategies to reduce stress and avoid conflict, leading to a better resolution for you and your family. Remember, ever if you’re a child of divorce, you have the power to break the cycle and avoid becoming a discouraging statistic.
Links mentioned in the episode
Aaron Deane’s Instagram account
To inquire about speaking engagements, purchase your copy of Ashley-Nicole’s book “The Cure for Divorce Culture,” or to schedule your private orientation meeting, head to You can also find us on social media @ANRLaw. Find a better way forward, right here, on Divorce, Healthy!